Thursday, November 3, 2016

Ruby Beach

One of my favorite places to photograph is Ruby Beach in the Olympic National Park.  Here you can find sea stacks, driftwood, pebble-strewn beaches, and a sweeping vista that can capture a photographer's imagination.

This location is great to photograph during the various weather condition's that can be found here.  Fog blows in and disperses quickly, and around sunset it can take on a pink glow. The atmosphere can change quickly. Stormy days with choppy surf can quickly bring a atmosphere to the scene. Late afternoons and sunsets are the best times for dramatic shots.  This location lends itself to some amazing Astrophotography as the Milky Way bisects the sea stacks located here.

To get to this location, travel south from Forks, WA on US 101 for about 27 miles.  You will see a turn off into the parking lot when the road reaches the coast.  From the parking lot you can descend to the beach along a short but steep path.

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