Sunday, November 6, 2016

Fall Photography Tips

Fall around Washington has stunning vistas with red and gold hues of the leaves changing color.  Here a few tips that you might want to try when capturing images during this time of year.

Photo by Kaweka Stoney
Gold Creek Pond
Fall Colors
1. Sunlight behind the leaves of trees look great.  It makes the trees look like they are glowing.  This can be done at anytime of the day but when the sun is just coming up or going down you will get light that is not as harsh.

2.  Try using a polarizer for two reasons.  1, it helps reduce the glare of the sun on the leaves.  Just put on the polarizer and turn it one way or the other until the glare is reduced.  2, it helps the colors pop a little bit more.

3.  Fall color is a great time to put on a long lend and creative shoot tight.  There are so many great looking things with fall photography that you might miss with a wide angle lens.  Shoot tighter.  Use a wider aperture for some depth of field.  Capture backlit trees even closer.

Photo by Kaweka Stoney
Gold Creek Pond
4.  Cloudy days work really well for photographing the fall colors too.  Everything tends to be more flat and evenly lit on a cloudy day or overcast days.  So colors in the leaves stand out even more.  Plus, if you are shooting anything with moving water, those cloudy days help you get a slower shutter speed to make the water smooth.

5.  If you are shooting in tighter and closer on trees on a windy day, then do not forget to raise your ISO.  Generally you do not want to see movement in the leaves, but on a windy day you might.  Just raise the ISO and shutter speed until the leaves are sharp.  Look at your LCD and when the leaves are not blurry anymore, your ISO is at the right spot.
Snoqualmie Falls

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